The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

By: Michael Pillsbury read in 2019

29 "As the center of the civilized world, China would have the responsibility to "improve" all the nations and peoples of the world by 'harmonizing' them—spreading Chinese values, language, and culture so they can better fit into under-heaven. This empire "values order over freedom, ethics over law, and elite governance over democracy and human rights.""
36 "[H]igh-ranking Chinese military personnel are expected to play a significant role in civilian strategic planning. To get a sense of just how different this is from the American system, imagine that issues that are generally considered to properly fall under the purview of U.S. civilian leaders, such as family planning, taxation, and economic policy, were instead transferred to generals and admirals in the Pentagon. Imagine further that the United States lacked both a supreme court and an independent judiciary, and you get some sense of this tremendous disparity between the relatively narrow influence of our military leaders and the broader advisory role played by China's top military leaders since 1949."
85 Intelligence failures of the CIA. This list should also include the erroneous targeting during the 1999 Belgrade bombing of the Chinese embassy.
87 "After the Communist Party seized power in 1949, teams of Chinese historians recast China's history to emphasize that all progress had come from peasant rebellions,"
182 "The hard truth is that China's leaders see America as a rival in a global struggle—one that they plan on winning." Just as the Soviets did and the Muslims do.
221 "Hacking is central to China's decades-long campaign to steal technologies it can't invent and intellectual property it can't create."

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