1/11-13/05 I went up to the property for 3 days: Tuesday through Thursday.
I arrived at 1:00. There was about 8 inches of snow on the ground and the driveway had not been plowed. I backed down the road quite a ways so I could get a good run at it, and I barged the pickup about a third of the way to the trailer. It was high centering on the snow all the way, but the snow was pretty soft. After moving in and having lunch, I sanded all the logs that were due for another coat of varnish. Then I planed the log wall in the bedroom closet and got a start planing the logs in the bedroom.
On Wednesday morning, Bill called to get the name of my doctor. We had a short chat. There was a forecast of snow, so after breakfast, I moved the pickup back down to the road. so I wouldn't get snowed in. Then I scraped all the closet logs and scraped about half of the bedroom wall on the southeast side.
It started snowing four or five times but it never did snow very much. Before I quit for the day, I swept up all the chips and vacuumed the floor and the walls I had prepared for varnishing.
On Thursday morning, I varnished all the prepared surfaces. After cleaning out my brush, I swept out the trailer and beat the rugs. There was no new snow to speak of so I drove the pickup back up as far as I could to make it easier to load up. I left for home at 1:15.
©2005 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.