Construction Journal Entry Week of 10/2/05

10/4-6/05 I went up to the property for 3 days: Tuesday through Thursday.

I arrived at 12:45. I think it is too cold now for frogs. There was none in the gate. The temperature was 50 degrees outside and 40 degrees in the trailer. There was a little snow on top of the higher mountains.

I turned the heater on in the trailer and while it was warming up, I drove the pickup up to the building and unloaded six sacks of mortar mix. I fed a little chipmunk during the work. I saw that the peanut was gone from the floor and one of the mouse traps upstairs was sprung. There was no mouse in the trap and the bait was still intact. I didn't know quite what to think. Dave had called last week and said he might visit the cabin on the weekend, so I figured he might have accidentally set the trap off and moved the peanut. I called and left a message asking if he had in fact visited the cabin.

After lunch, I installed two more receptacle assemblies. Then I measured and recorded the locations of the rebar pins in the Grid 1 utility room wall. I will need to cut a hole in that wall for a dryer vent some day and I want to know where those rebar are so I can miss them.

I insulated four seams in each of the utility room walls. I nailed two seams on the Grid A wall and one seam on the Grid 1 wall.

On Wednesday the peanuts and traps were all intact. I fed the jays and then insulated and nailed the rest of the seams in the utility room. Then I chinked all the rest of the seams in the utility room. It took me until almost 7:00.

On Thursday morning the peanuts and traps were still intact. I cleaned three of the seams I had chinked but I didn't have time left to clean the last two seams. I fed the jays and chipmunks during the work and even had jays coming into the trailer while I was having lunch. I left for home at 1:30.

10/7/05 Made two more receptacle assemblies.

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