Construction Journal Entry Week of 2/26/06

2/28-3/2/06 I went up to the property for 3 days: Tuesday through Thursday.

On the way, I stopped and bought an aluminum grain scoop at the Farm Supply store in Monroe. Andrew and I had broken my old scoop while we were digging our snow cave and I didn't want to be without a snow shovel in the pickup.

I arrived at 12:55. There was about 2 inches of new snow on the ground but the old snow had shrunk back quite a bit. Spring is on the way. After moving in and having lunch, I went to work and sanded the three gable logs that were due for another coat of varnish. Then I moved the scaffold, the tarps and the lights so I could work on the end of the Grid D purlin and the gable wall under it. Before I quit for the day, I got a start on planing and scraping the end of the purlin.

Wednesday was a beautiful sunny day. The whole flock of jays greeted me in the morning and I fed them a bunch of peanuts. Before lunch, I finished working on the purlin and had it ready for varnish. After lunch, I waxed the new scoop shovel. Then I planed, scraped, and gouged the four gable logs above the window level and to the ceiling at Grid D so they were ready for varnish. I swept the chips off the scaffold and vacuumed the purlin and the gable logs.

On Thursday morning, it rained. I varnished all the prepared logs, fed one lone jay, packed up and left for home at 10:00 AM. I had to be home early because Andrew was getting out of school early that day.

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