7/5-7/06 I went up to the property for 3 days: Wednesday through Friday.
On the way up, I stopped and bought two cakes of salt for the deer. I arrived at 2:00. There was no frog in the gate can but there were hordes of mosquitoes. I think this is the worst mosquito year I can remember. I sprayed Ben's Mosquito repellent all around the trailer door to see if that would keep them away.
After moving in, I wheeled the two salt blocks up. I put one in the cabin and wheeled the other one up to the drainfield. All the natural tree seedlings looked like they are doing very well. Two of the three sequoias up there looked pretty good, but the middle one was turning brown. The nine in the pots down below looked very healthy.
There was quite a bit of thunder and lightning but only a little rain. It was very humid. I strung a tight string where the staircase will go and I strung a 16 ft. tape alongside it. I did some measurements and then went into the trailer and did some calculations. I discovered an error in my previous calculations and design. I got a 100 ft. tape, went back up and re-measured more accurately. While I was up there I found a card that had been slipped under the door by the tax assessor. I went back to the trailer and did some more calculations.
The Ben's bug juice on the doorway seemed to work. I only got a few mosquitoes inside the trailer during the two nights.
On Thursday, I did some more measurements and calculations and set up the form and the CB66 where I figured they should go. I fed a chipmunk now and then during the process.
On Friday morning I was greeted by Bert and Ernie and another dog I didn't know. I fed Bert and Ernie some dog biscuits but the other dog was too nervous and ran away.
I mixed 8 60 lb. sacks of concrete mix in the wheelbarrow and poured it into the form. I did it in batches of one or two sacks at a time and it worked pretty well. I'm not going to bother with the mixer for the other pad either. I fed the chipmunk some more and the mosquitoes were thick. I left for home at 1:30.
©2006 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.