Construction Journal Entry Week of 11/19/06

11/24/06 I went up to the property just for the day, Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.

Paul and Paula V. spent Thanksgiving at Kahler Glen and they wanted to stop by and see the property while they were up there. I agreed to drive up on Friday and show them the place. I called Mike ahead of time to ask him to clear the driveway before noon.

There was a lot of new snow in the pass and chains were required. I took them off on the other side at Rayrock Springs. I passed Mike in his tractor and waved at him going the other way just a couple hundred yards from my driveway at 11:35. Pretty good timing. The driveway was all cleared.

I made snowshoe trails to the trailer, the compost pile, the cabin, and the privy. I made snow steps in the bank under the eave so you could get into the front of the building. I turned on the power and found that I had caught one shrew in the mousetrap downstairs. The peanut and traps upstairs were untouched. I think those shrews must have tunnels under the rocks. After I had everything ready for Paul and Paula's visit, I went in to the trailer and took a little nap before they showed up.

They showed up around 1:00 with a friend named Steve. He is a builder and he showed a lot of interest in what I had done. It was too wet in the woods to go look at the spring box, but we had the grand tour of everything else. It was fun explaining to them what I had done and how I had done it. None of them had seen the place since before the site was excavated. They left around 3:30 and I closed things up and left for home myself.

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