Construction Journal Entry Week of 1/21/24

1/22-26/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

There was snow on the roadway east of the summit but otherwise the road was clear. I arrived at 12:50 and was happy to see that the driveway had been plowed. I turned the truck around and parked at the foot of the stairs as usual. I shoveled off half of each stair tread and then stomped out the trail to the cabin. I hoisted the flag and then returned to the truck for two trips up with gear. Then I had my lunch and a nap.

I practiced the piano and then took an early shower at 4:00. Ellen called me during the shower but then called back later.

On Tuesday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees but the cabin was toasty warm, so I didn't build a fire. I practiced the piano and then walked to the grave. I talked to Karen Arnold and Nancy on the way and learned that Byron is not feeling well and has a plumbing problem. I continued on and walked to Barb and Byron's and met two guys that were helping him fix a leak in his shower. I visited for a while and then returned for my lunch and a nap.

I spent some time in the crawl space working on the dowel for my mortar stand and finished the dowel. Then back in the cabin I did some reading.

On Wednesday morning the temperature outside was 26 degrees. I practiced the piano and then walked to Barb and Byron's again. I was happy to see that Byron looked a lot better and felt a lot better. It was a nice visit. On the way back, I talked to Dave and Nancy who were walking their dogs.

Back in the cabin I had my lunch and a nap, practiced the piano, and did some reading. It had snowed all day but not much accumulation.

On Thursday the temperature outside was 26 degrees again. I practiced the piano and worked some more on the mortar rack. I walked to the grave but didn't go on to visit Barb and Byron. When I got back, I listened to the radio and then had my lunch and a nap. After practicing the piano I filled 15 water jugs and staged them in the utility room for the next day. I also tried a different more modern backpack to use instead of the Trapper Nelson to see if it might work better.

On Friday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees. I practiced the piano and then I heard the snowplow working on the driveway so I hurried up and went down to move the truck out of his way so he could do the whole job, which he did. Then using the new modern backpack, I made five trips up and down the stairs and loaded the water jugs into the truck. I was happy that there was no snow falling.

After that I had my lunch, packed up my gear, and left for home at 12/20. It was another fun week.

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