Construction Journal Entry Week of 6/9/24

6/10-13/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for four days: Monday through Thursday.

I had a doctor's appointment in the morning and then an errand which delayed me. I arrived at 2:40. The weather was clear and hot. I brought my gear up in one trip, hoisted the flag, and had a short nap. When I got up, I practiced the piano a little and the day was done.

On Tuesday I started by practicing the piano and then listening to the radio for a while. Then I walked to the grave and had an early lunch and nap.

When I got up, I harvested stones from up by the privy and wheelbarrowed them down to the work site. I mixed up one batch of mortar, #51, and laid up the stones I had harvested.

On Wednesday morning I practiced the piano, and then walked to the grave. After lunch and a nap, I harvested some more stones and laid them up using the 52nd batch of mortar. One of the stones was especially big, being 30 inches long and about 3 inches deep. I used a skyhook and come-along to dangle this stone above its final position, and after applying the mortar, gently lowered the stone in place. It's a system that works very well. I regret not weighing the stones. I'll try to remedy that in the future. But I think this stone was between 30 and 50 lbs.

Just after I had cleaned my last tool and was admiring my work, Bill called and we had a nice, long relaxed conversation. Very enjoyable.

On Thursday morning I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and then walked to the grave. I had to leave for home because of another doctor's appointment on Friday. I left for home at 1:00 happy that I had at least got some work done. I also enjoyed the stay immensely.

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