Construction Journal Entry Week of 3/2/25

3/3-7/25 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I arrived at 11:30. The weather was clear and there was no new snow on the ground. I brought my gear up in 2 trips and hoisted the flag in between. After having lunch, I walked to the grave and then did some exercises.

On Tuesday morning the temperature outside was 24 degrees. I practiced the piano and then walked to the grave. Then I had my lunch and a nap and worked on the puzzle until it was time to listen to the state of the union message. I had trouble getting intelligible radio reception so I drove the truck up to the Smith's yard thinking it might be better up there using the truck's radio. It was no better, so I went back to the cabin. It was getting dark, so I didn't bother to back the truck in but just headed in and parked backwards. Then, back in the cabin, I went through the radio dial and found that AM 1000 came in clear, and I was able to listen to the speech. I was happy about that.

On Wednesday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees. I practiced the piano and listened to the radio. Then I went down and turned the truck around, so it was facing outward, and I got my cordless phone, which I had forgotten in the truck the night before. Then I walked to the grave and was joined by Nancy and her two dogs Fritz and Frieda. They walked part way with me. After lunch and a nap, I practiced the piano, worked on the puzzle, and I worked on the closet.

On Thursday morning the temperature outside was a cold 17 degrees and the sky was clear. I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and walked to the grave. On the way I talked to Barb who had stopped to chat.

After lunch and a nap, the tax accountant called and told me my return was ready. Then I called Costco and ordered a replacement hearing aid for the one I had lost. Then I worked on the closet. In the process I discovered that the big shelf board I had bought is too short. When I talked to Ellen, I had her find the sales receipt to check the length of the board I thought I bought and sure enough it is short. I decided to take the board back and exchange it. Then I practiced the piano and worked on the puzzle.

On Friday the temperature outside when I got up was 23 degrees. I practiced the piano, worked on the puzzle, listened to the radio, loaded the tool bag into the truck, and loaded the short board into the truck. Then I began to pack up and get ready to go home. I left for home at noon. It was another fun week with some minor disappointments.

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