Brian & Kathleen
10/7/06 Brian catching up on a little reading before going up to the scout planning session
10/7/06 Brian cooking for the scouts
5/24/08 Brian rigging up the wire puller
5/24/08 Brian in the trailer after the job is done.
8/2/12 Sern, Brian, and Mari in the cabin living room.
8/2/12 Mari and Kathleen at the windows
8/2/12 Sern, Brian, and Mari
8/3/12 Brian with Luna the next morning.
9/21/13 Brian sitting in Dave's adirondack chair.
9/21/13 Brian in the chair with Paul Hendricks working the Dutch ovens.
9/21/13 Brian in the chair with Paul Hendricks working the Dutch ovens.
9/21/13 Brian in the Adirondack chair.
9/21/13 Paul McMurtry, Brian, and Paul H cooking.
9/21/13 Paul McMurtry and Brian in the dining room.
9/21/13 Brian and Roger Smith jumpering the bus from Brian's truck. New batteries are in order.
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