Construction Journal Entry Week of 5/5/24

5/6-9/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for four days: Monday through Thursday.

Before I left, I had another tick removed by urgent care at Northgate. This one was on my right chest. I arrived at Camp Serendipity at 12:50, brought my gear up in two trips, hoisted the flag, and then had my lunch and a nap.

When I got up, I walked to the bridge and on the way stopped and talked with Byron and Barb. It was good to see Byron driving. He seemed happy and healthy.

On Tuesday I started by practicing the piano and then Bill called. He was asking about Dave's schedule for visiting but I couldn't give him much information. After having a great conversation, I listened to the radio for a while and then walked to the grave.

After lunch and a nap, I went outside and measured a big stone to see how it could fit in the wall. It doesn't fit very well, and I might use it as a step instead.

On Wednesday I started again with the piano and then listened to the radio for a while before I walked to the grave. On this trip I met Paul Gray who was talking with Dave Bartholomew about picking mushrooms.

After lunch and a nap, I practiced the piano for quite a while and then walked to a party at McComas'. There was a good turnout of around 25 people who are all neighbors. It was still light when I walked home at 8:30.

On Thursday morning I woke up groggy because I didn't sleep well. I practiced the piano which didn't go very well and then took a nap. That helped. I listened to the radio for a while, and then walked to the grave. I took another nap before I had my lunch. I left for home at 1:00. It was a day early because I had a doctor's appointment the next day.

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