8/25/04 - Dave and Collin on the upper roadway.
8/25/04 - Dave and Collin in the woods after inspecting the spring.
8/25/08 - Dave, Bill, Jim and John ready to pour concrete.
8/25/08 - Dave and Bill having a good laugh.
8/25/08 - Dave and Bill having fun
8/25/08 - Dave and Bill still laughing
8/25/08 - John, Dave, Bill, Kerry, Jim and the pumper guy filling the upper landing with concrete.
8/25/08 - Dave, Bill, and Jim floating and edging steps.
8/25/08 - Jim, Bill, Dave, and Kerry having another good laugh.
7/24/09 Paul, Bill, and Dave
12/13/11 Dave pointing to map showing Paul and Ellen's website readers
12/13/11 Dave getting water for dinner.
12/13/11 Dave thinking. You can see my bed in the background.
12/14/11 Dave installing the temporary sink in the bathroom.
12/14/11 Dave washing up using the new sink.
12/15/11 Paul and Dave at the breakfast table.
8/29/18 Dave visiting Camp Serendipity between business meetings in Yakima and Brewster.
2/28/19 Dave in the living room at Camp Serendipity after a business meeting in Brewster.
8/15/19 Dave in the living room.
8/15/19 Paul and Dave posing in bad light.
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