Construction Journal Entry Week of 7/28/24

7/29-8/2/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I arrived at 12:05 and even though it rained most of the way, there was no rain at Camp Serendipity. I brought my gear up in two trips, hoisted the flag, and then had my lunch and a nap. When I got up, I walked to the grave in considerable heat and then afterwards I practiced the piano.

On Tuesday morning I was up and out to work at 7:30. I wheeled 2 sacks of mortar mix up to the cabin from the truck in two wheelbarrow trips. Then I harvested and washed a wheelbarrow-load of stones from the normal quarry. I laid those stones in the wall using 2 batches of mortar. I finished at noon and went in and had my lunch and a nap.

When I got up, I walked to the grave and then took a nice cool shower. After dinner I practiced the piano.

On Wednesday morning I was out to work at 7:45. I did the same routine of harvesting, washing and laying up two batches worth of stones. I finished about noon.

After lunch and a nap, I walked to the grave. Then I practiced the piano, had my shower, and my dinner.

On Thursday morning I was out to work at 6:50. I started by installing about a dozen or so wall ties. Then I harvested, washed, and laid up two batches worth of stones. These were batch numbers 74 and 75. Again I was done by noon and went in went in for lunch and a nap.

When I got up, I walked to the grave in 90 degree heat. The temperature outside reached 94 by 4:00 but it stayed down at 78 inside the cabin.

On Friday morning I didn't get up so early and was more relaxed. I practiced the piano, then walked to the grave, and then had my lunch as I packed up to go home. I took a picture of the stone wall after 75 batches of mortar. I left for home at 12:15 after a very productive week.

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