2/10-14/25 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.
It was a beautiful sunny drive over the mountains. I arrived at 11:20. There was no change in the driveway or snow conditions except for a one-inch layer of new snow. The temperature was 20 degrees. I shoveled one track of the staircase because the other track was getting pretty well packed down. Even then it was frozen solid and not easy. I hoisted the flag after making that one trip up shoveling and then I made three more trips up and down bringing up my gear.
I had my lunch and then walked to the grave. Then I did my exercises, practiced the piano, and worked on the puzzle for a while.
On Tuesday morning the temperature outside was -2 degrees. Pretty chilly. I built a fire in the stove, Then I practiced the piano and listened to the radio while I worked on the puzzle.
I walked to the grave and talked with John who was on the road returning to his place. And then I talked to Frank who updated me on Ron Siderits who was recovering from his surgery at his daughter's place.
From up in the cabin, I saw a tractor with a snowblower start blowing the snow out of my driveway. I thought it must be Josh, my snowplower, so I got on my boots and went outside to move my truck so he could do the whole job. I no sooner got outside than the tractor left, and I went back inside to have my lunch.
After lunch and a nap, I gathered materials to begin working on the closet. Then I listened to the radio while I worked on the puzzle for a while.
On Wednesday morning the temperature was even chillier: it was -6 degrees. I built another fire to warm the place up and then I practiced the piano. I listened to the radio for a while while I worked on the puzzle. Then I walked to the grave and met Frank and his wife Diane on the way. He told me that he was the guy who had plowed my driveway yesterday. When I saw him working with his tractor, I thought it was Josh, but it was not.
After lunch and a nap, I worked on the closet. Then I practiced the piano and worked on the puzzle. Then I filled and staged 11 jugs.
On Thursday morning the temperature outside was up to 0 degrees. I built another fire in the wood stove. I practiced the piano, worked on the puzzle, and then walked to the grave.
After lunch and a nap, I unpacked an emergency stove we had bought and figured out how it works. It runs on Canned Heat, and I saw that we only had three cans so I put it on the list to buy a bigger supply. I worked on the puzzle and then realized the cabin had gotten too chilly to take my shower, so I built another fire in the stove to warm the place up again.
On Friday morning the temperature outside was 11 degrees but I built another fire in the stove. Then I carried the tool bag down to the truck and dug the truck out of the snow. Then I loaded the 11 jugs into the truck. Finally, I got everything ready and left for home at 1:00. It was a cold week and I went through more firewood than I wanted, but the weather is bound to warm up sooner or later.
©2025 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.
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