2/17-21/25 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.
I was delayed a little by a trip to the pharmacy and to the tax account. I arrived at 12:30 and found 3 inches of new snow on the ground. The temperature was 34 degrees. The snow was soft enough that I was able to shovel off a track up the stairs which I did. Then I made two more trips up the hill with my gear using the Trapper Nelson backpack and hoisting the flag in between the trips. I had my lunch, put my gear away, did some exercises and it was time for my shower. I did not have to build a fire.
On Tuesday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees. I got a call from Dave telling me that he would arrive at Camp Serendipity on Thursday and spend the night with me. That was wonderful news, and it gave me a little time to prepare. I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and walked to the grave.
After lunch and a nap, the snow had softened some more, and I went out and shoveled off the concrete staircase completely. Then I shoveled part of the front porch staircase. Ellen called and told me I had forgotten to bring some documents to the tax accountant so I made a note to call the accountant the next day to tell him I would bring them next week.
On Wednesday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees again and there was 2 inches of new snow. I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and then went out and shoveled the new snow off the steps. That was pretty easy. Then, after calling the tax accountant, I walked to the grave and had my lunch and a nap. When I got up, I vacuumed the first floor really good.
On Thursday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees again. I started out by walking to the grave, and then I practiced the piano. I had my lunch a little early and had just about finished it when Dave showed up. I went outside and greeted him and was concerned about his footwear and the softened snow. He fell through the trail a few times but otherwise was able to negotiate the trails in the shoes he had.
Bill called to see that Dave had made it safely, then we had a short, interesting chat. He and Dave had had breakfast together in Seattle that morning. Then Dave and I settled down to some serious visiting. I won't relate all our very interesting and various topics of discussion, but we had a great time. Bill had sent along a fairly big bag of food, and we ate from that for our meals. We went to bed about 8:00 and got up at 6:30 the next morning.
On Friday, there was more visiting and breakfast. Then Dave left at about 10:00 in the morning. I got my gear ready to go and I left for home at 12:45. This was an outstanding week which I very much enjoyed.
©2025 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.
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