Construction Journal Entry Week of 2/23/25

2/24-28/25 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I had to stop at the post office and the tax accountant on the way but there was virtually no traffic on the road. I arrived at 12:10. There had been a recent snowfall, and the ground was covered with super wet slushy snow. I had a difficult time parking and nearly got stuck, but I was able to back into a satisfactory position not too far out of the way. I brought my gear up in 2 trips, using the Trapper Nelson for the second one and hoisting the flag in between the trips. The temperature was 30 degrees, and it started raining just as I finished bringing up my gear.

After lunch I walked one mile up the road and turned around. On the way back up I brought up the tool bag and the jugs.

On Tuesday morning the temperature outside was 25 degrees. There was another two inches of new snow on the ground. I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and then went out to walk to the grave. Conditions for walking were so bad that I turned back and decided to wait. I worked on the puzzle for a while and then had my lunch.

Robert called and gave me a fairly positive report of his activities. Then I walked to the grave in the rain. The conditions hadn't improved much, and I got pretty wet.

On Wednesday morning the temperature outside was 24 degrees but there was no new snow. I practiced the piano listened to the radio and then walked to the grave. It was much more pleasant without the rain. After lunch and a nap, I worked on the closet and on the puzzle.

On Thursday morning the temperature outside was 23 degrees. I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and went out for a walk. I was surprised to find a skinny little lizard in the trail who looked nearly frozen. I scooped him up and put him under some boards thinking that might help him survive. Another 40 feet down the trail I saw another little lizard in my boot print on the steep part of the snow trail. This guy was just as immobile as the first lizard. I picked him up and put him on the top step of the staircase that by now was completely bare and drying out. I could see it was going to be in the sun momentarily. I put the little guy where I thought he might thaw out and crawl away. I walked to the grave and when I came back that little guy was gone. I don't know if a bird ate him or if he crawled down off the steps.

After lunch and a nap, I filled and staged 11 water jugs and then worked on the puzzle.

On Friday the temperature outside was 24 degrees and there was dense fog. I practiced the piano and then began carrying jugs down to the truck. I decided to use two of the jugs in the Trapper Nelson backpack to substitute for the bag of rocks that I normally carry on my walk, and when I got back from the grave, I simply loaded those jugs into the truck. I then proceeded to load all of the rest of the jugs into the truck. Then I had my lunch, packed up my gear, and left for home at 1:00. It was another fun and interesting week.

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