Construction Journal Entry Week of 5/19/24

5/20-24/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I had a doctor's appointment in the morning, so I got a late start. I arrived at 3:30 and carried my gear up in three trips using the wheelbarrow for two of them. One of them was to wheel up a 60 lb. sack of mortar mix. I had planned to carry that up in a backpack but both my doctor and Ellen had advised against it, so I used the wheelbarrow.

I hoisted the flag, replaced the bedding which I had brought home for laundering, and did my exercises.

On Tuesday I started by practicing the piano and then listening to the radio for a while. I walked to the grave and on the way had a nice chat with Dean. After lunch and a nap, I treated my work clothes with a new anti-tick spray that we bought. Then I mixed the 41st batch of mortar and laid up rocks in the wall for the first time this year. I disturbed a lizard that was sleeping under one of the rocks that I mortared in place.

On Wednesday morning it was cold, 34 degrees outside but no sign of frost. I think my mortar is safe. After practicing the piano I walked to the grave. On the way I talked with Larry Ann who told me that Bodhi had just been neutered, was wearing a cone, and was a little unhappy about it.

I listened to the radio for a while and then had my lunch and a nap. When I got up, I mixed the 42nd batch of mortar and laid up some more stones in the wall.

On Thursday morning Dave called first thing we had a nice conversation. Then I practiced the piano and walked to the grave.

After lunch and a nap, I mixed up two more batches of mortar and laid more stones in the wall. That pretty much used up all the stones I had prepared, so from now on I will have to harvest some more stones. I also need more mortar mix.

On Friday morning I saw a coyote walking down the road while I was looking out the front window. It disappeared in the bushes, but I couldn't tell where it went exactly. I practiced the piano and then walked to the grave. There was another big pile of bear scat which was on the road just opposite the gneiss outcrop. I noticed that The Smith's car was parked at their house, so I went to the door and met Clint Smith and his wife Connie, whom I had already met, and we had a very nice visit getting to know each other and our projects. Clint is just getting ready to retire.

As I was getting ready to leave for home, I felt a tick on my knee right close to the previous tick bite. This one was burrowing into my skin right next to the Band-Aid covering the old tick bite. I was able to pull it out intact pretty easily. Instead of destroying it, I put it in an envelope and a jar to keep it for whatever reason. It was very much alive and intact, crawling around inside its confinement. I left for home at 1:00 happy with the week's progress but dismayed at the prevalence of ticks.

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