Construction Journal Entry Week of 7/21/24

7/22-26/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I arrived at 12:25. The weather was hot but breezy. I carried my gear up in two trips using the wheelbarrow for one of them. I hoisted the flag, had my lunch and a nap, and then I walked to the grave. There were hardly any mosquitoes, but I figured that was because of the breeze or maybe the season is over. I discovered that my radio was broken, which is a big disappointment; it keeps me out of touch with the news.

On Tuesday morning I was out to work by 7:00. I found a beautiful big stone in the quarry pile that measured 27 inches across and 7 inches deep. It was heavy but I was able to roll it downhill and get it into the wheelbarrow.

I just left it in the wheelbarrow to scrub it and then I wheeled it over toward the wall where I used a skyhook and come-along to drag it out of the wheelbarrow and up on to the scaffold platform. There I rerigged it so that it presented a level surface and the correct side out. Then I just cranked the come-along to lift it up into place on the wall. From there I lifted it even further to allow room to lay down a batch of mortar and finally place the stone in the wall. It was great fun.

I finished laying up batch numbers 64 and 65 and was done working by 11:45.

Next, I had my lunch and a nap and then went outside and walked to the grave.

No sooner had I got started than I saw a small bear on the road ahead of me. I got a short video of the bear crossing the road and running up the bank to the right just about at our property corner. I had just put away my camera when I saw a tiny little cub bear run out onto the road and follow the bigger bear. I got a very shaky brief video of that small bear.

But just as I put my camera away again, a third bear, another tiny cub, ran across the road and followed the first one. I was too slow with the camera to get that one.

I proceeded on down the road and showed my videos to the roofing crew that was working on The Smith's house. Then I went on and saw John O'Brien working on a stump grinder and I showed him my videos. Finally, a motorist who had just climbed Mt. David stopped to see if I needed any help and I showed him my bear videos. Back at the cabin I practiced the piano.

On Wednesday morning the power went out at 6:50 and fortunately I had already fixed my breakfast. I didn't need power for the work outside so I was not concerned about when the power would be restored. I collected a wheelbarrow full of stones, washed and stacked them, and then laid up two more batches of mortar. The power came back at 11:30 just in time for me to fix my lunch.

After a nap, I walked to the grave and discovered there was no Internet. I normally catch up on news headlines on my walk but now I couldn't even do that. So, with my radio broken I was pretty much out of touch with the world. When I got back, I practiced the piano.

On Thursday morning I was outside working at 8:00. I laid up two more batches of mortar, #68 and 69.

After lunch and a nap, I walked to the grave. There was still no Internet and no sign of bears. When I got back, I practiced the piano and then Ellen called with the sad news that Cotton was sick and I needed to get home in the morning as soon as I could. I filled and loaded the water jugs so that I would be ready to go in the morning.

On Friday morning I got up at 5:00. The temperature was 37 degrees outside. That was surprisingly cool. I practiced the piano for a while, and then walked to the grave. I talked to John who was outside converting his useless mailbox to a solar powered light fixture. When I got back, I packed up my gear and left for home at 9:45 in the morning.

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