2/3-7/25 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.
It was snowing in Seattle when I left but there was less snow as I traveled to the pass. It had snowed from there to Camp Serendipity, but it had been plowed. My driveway had also been plowed but it looked like about 3 inches of new snow arrived after the plowing. I had no trouble parking in the normal way. I arrived at 12:15. I was able to walk on the staircase and the trails in my old footprints without having to do any shoveling.
I brought my gear up in four trips including two with lumber for the closet. I hoisted the flag between a couple of those trips. After having lunch, I walked one mile and talked to Frank Scoggins on the way. He was clearing his driveway. I didn't have time to walk any further or to take a nap, but I did spend some time at the piano and with the puzzle.
On Tuesday when I got up, the temperature was 20 degrees. There was another two inches of new snow. I tried practicing the piano, but it didn't go well. I was worried that I was having another bout of piano-playing amnesia. I listened to the radio and then walked to the grave. After lunch and a nap, I listened to the radio and then tried the piano again. It didn't go much better. I spent some time working on the puzzle.
On Wednesday morning the temperature was 18 degrees. It was snowing lightly. I practiced the piano, which went a lot better and then I listened to the radio. Then I worked on the puzzle and walked to the grave.
After lunch and a nap, I cut a bunch of firewood from scrap lumber stored up on the porch. Then I worked on the puzzle and practiced the piano.
On Thursday morning the temperature was only 10 degrees. I lit a fire in the stove to take the chill off the cabin. Then I watered the plants and realized that Brady was probably not going to make it. I practiced the piano, which went a lot better, and then worked on the puzzle a little. I listened to the radio while I prepared to go on my walk. I walked to the grave and talked to John on the way. I also talked to Barb who happened to be driving by, and she told me the details of her accident. She had slipped on the ice and fell backwards onto her head. She went to the hospital and had some staples put in to close the wound. But she seems to have completely recovered with no problems.
After lunch and a nap, I listened to the radio while I worked on the puzzle. Then I practiced the piano.
On Friday morning the temperature outside was only 5 degrees. I lit a fire in the stove, practiced the piano, worked on the puzzle, and on my way to the grave, I loaded Brady and the bag of tools into the truck. I started the truck and let it run while I walked to the grave and back. Then I had my lunch, packed up my gear, and left for home at 12:30. It was another fun week with a few disappointments.
©2025 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.
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