Construction Journal Entry Week of 8/11/24

8/12-16/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I was delayed because I took Lexie to the vet in the morning. On the way to the cabin, I stopped and talked with Dave Bartholomew who was out walking his dogs. He told me about the unfortunate events he had gone through in the past month. It evidently started with a fall about which he remembers nothing, but he was severely injured and had to be airlifted to Harborview for recovery. His vision is still not right.

I arrived at Camp Serendipity at 1:15, brought my gear up in one trip, hoisted the flag, and had my lunch and a nap. When I got up, I walked to the grave.

On Tuesday morning I was up at 4:00 and out to work before seven. I wheeled one sack of mortar mix from the truck up to the cabin. Then I harvested two or three big flat stones from the quarry and brought them down to the work area. I tried a new approach of splitting the stones lengthwise in order to get longer surfaces that would show in the wall. I used the Bosh Bulldog to score long lines all the way across each stone and then used a big hammer to break the stone in two. I was surprised that I was able to break 3 stones this way and make very nice stones for the wall.

I laid up one batch of stones in mortar and then spent some time cleaning up the work site. I also checked on Paul and Runty before I went in for my lunch.

After my nap, I walked to the grave. On my way back I stopped and talked with Mike Dickinson and told him about Dave's misfortune. Then I continued on to the Bartholomew's house and took a picture of it to show Ellen.

On Wednesday morning I was up at 4 and out to work before 7 again. I split some more stones I laid up two batches worth of stones in mortar. After lunch and a nap, I walked to the grave. When I got back I had a message from Dave Garmin saying he wanted to visit. I called him back and we arranged that I would wait for him on Friday before I left for home. He would try to get there before I left.

On Thursday morning I was up at 5. I watered the plants and then was out to work by 7:15. I split some more stones lengthwise and laid up two batches worth of stones. These were batch numbers 83 and 84.

After lunch and a nap, I walked to the grave. Then I filled and loaded 8 water jugs into the truck.

On Friday after breakfast, I walked to the grave. Then I practiced the piano and packed to leave for home. I waited for Dave Garmin to show up and finally gave him a call at 12:15. I learned that he wasn't coming after all. I left for home right after that after a very productive week. As I was driving out, I stopped and talked with Nancy briefly. She told me Dave is getting better day by day but that his vision is still double. They don't expect it to get much better for six months. Poor guy.

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