2/20-24/23 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.
I stopped at the tax accountant on the way and arrived at Camp Serendipity at 1:30. I brought my gear up in two trips, the second of which I was helped by my Trapper Nelson backpack. I hoisted the flag, had my lunch and my nap, and then unpacked my gear.
On Tuesday morning when I got up, the temperature outside was 25 degrees. There was a skiff of new snow on the ground. I was surprised by the appearance of a small mosquito - the first of the season. I saw him in the front entry room and it took me a while to get a chair and a fly swatter and the opportunity to take him out. Which I did.
I practiced the piano and then took a call from Robert. After we hung up, I listened to the radio until lunchtime. I was having a positional vertigo episode that made getting any work done unlikely. After lunch and a nap, I did some writing and some reading and then cut two frozen pies that I was planning to bring to the Emergency Preparedness meeting on Wednesday. I wasn't sure whether I would be able to go with my vertigo if it didn't subside.
On Wednesday morning I was dizzy when I got up and felt crummy. The temperature outside was 25 degrees. After breakfast and practicing the piano, I took a morning nap and then listened to the radio. After lunch and a longer nap, Ellen called with some information about vertigo.
Then I packed the Tapper Nelson backpack with my first aid kit, the emergency preparedness literature, two pies, my slippers, a headlamp, and a Foley food mill that Ellen was giving to Nancy. My vertigo had subsided enough that I was able to walk to the meeting with no problem. I also had no problem coming back except that it was very cold outside.
On Thursday the temperature when I got up was 6 degrees outside and I still felt somewhat dizzy. After practicing the piano, I split and hauled a load of firewood. Then I discovered that something had leaked onto a shelf in the crawl space and there was a puddle of fluid on the shelf. I was able to scoop it up and put into a cream cheese container. I was baffled as to what the fluid was and afraid that it might be gasoline. There were several vessels on the shelf any one of which could have leaked to make the mess. I took the gasoline can outside in case it was gasoline and then went in for my lunch and a nap. When I got up I felt crummy and read for the rest of the afternoon.
On Friday morning I was still dizzy but better. The temperature outside was zero degrees. I built a fire in the wood stove which made the inside temperature nice and cozy. After practicing the piano and listening to the radio, I went down to the crawl space and discovered that there was more fluid on the shelf which made it clear that it was used paint thinner that had leaked and not gasoline. I took the paint thinner vessels outside and cleaned up the shelf again.
I left for home at 1:00 o'clock determined to learn how to cure this positional Vertigo that I had.
©2023 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.
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