Construction Journal Entry Week of 9/1/24

9/2-6/24 I went up to Camp Serendipity for five days: Monday through Friday.

I arrived at noon and brought my gear up in 2 trips. I hoisted the flag and had my lunch and a nap. When I got up, I walked to the grave.

On Tuesday morning I was up at 5 and out to work at 7:30. I started out by cutting a big stone that took a lot of work. Then I took the wheelbarrow to the quarry and harvested a bunch more stones. I laid up stones in the wall using two batches of mortar. These were batches number 92 and 93.

After lunch and a nap, I walked to the grave.

On Wednesday morning I was up at 5 and out to work by 7. I harvested stones including one big one that I could barely lift. I mortared these into the wall using one batch: #94. After lunch and a nap, I walked to the grave and then practiced the piano. I filled 8 water jugs and staged them in the front entryway.

On Thursday morning I was up at 5 and out at 7:30. I laid up one batch worth of stones, batch #95. After lunch and a nap, I loaded the water jugs into the truck. The weather was hot! I walked to the grave and as I passed John's place, I walked in to look at his project. He was not there but I could see that all the full-length A-frames were in place.

On Friday morning I practiced the piano and then Robert called. He told me there had been a fire on Dirtyface and he caught me up to date on his activities. Then I walked to the grave, had my lunch, and prepared to go home. I left at 12:45 after a fun productive week.

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