Construction Journal Entry Week of 8/1/21

8/4-7/21 I went up to Camp Serendipity for four days: Wednesday through Saturday.

I got a late start and arrived at 3:20. The temperature outside was 94 degrees and it was 80 inside the cabin. I was happy that I saw no mosquitoes.

On Thursday I left the cabin windows open overnight and got the temperature down to 64 degrees inside. I went down to the truck and used a Sawzall to buck up a bunch of branches I brought from Seattle. Then I wheeled the wood up to the cabin and stacked it with the firewood.

Then I went into the woods and checked on Paul, Runty, Dave, Dan, Bill, Cam, and Brian and brought 6 gallons of water to Andrew. I practiced the piano and then went back outside to do some surveying. I established benchmarks on the roadway at elevations 1820 and 1825.

Back inside, I listened to the radio for a while and then called Earl. Then I had my lunch and a nap.

When I got up, I went outside with my contour strider and laid clothesline ropes on the two contours. Then I clipped 22 clothespins on the ropes to mark the points I wanted to measure.

On Friday I went back out to survey and established one new point on the mistletoe stump. Then I used that point along with two others to measure the distances to each clothespin. That would allow me to draw the two contour lines on my map.

Robert called and said he might try to get over for a visit this week. I did some exercises and then practiced the piano before I had my lunch and a nap. When I got up, I drew the two new contour lines on my map.

On Saturday, the one-year anniversary of the Certificate of Occupancy!, I went outside and picked up the ropes and clothespins. No sooner had I got back to the cabin than it started to rain. Good timing. I had my breakfast, practiced the piano, and did some writing. I left for home at noon.

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