Log Home Pictures from 2014, Part 3 of 5
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6/12/14 The logging operation at Camp Serendipity has begun. Here Robert Ferrel and his helpers, Tim and Dennis (Dee) are gearing up to begin clearing an area for brush piles. They were not quite prepared to face the clouds of mosquitoes that are waiting, but they will go to work anyway. The objective is to clear the island surrounded by the roadway and parking area and establish the first brush piles.
6/12/14 Here Dee and Robert are preparing for Robert to climb a tree.
6/12/14 Dee and Tim.
6/12/14 Robert is up in a tree cutting away the lower branches while Tim and Dee stack the fallen branches onto the brush piles.
6/12/14 Robert is high in a tree with his chainsaw high in the air.
6/19/14 Hooray!! After six months of work, the roof damaged by the falling tree in January is finally repaired. All that remains is to remove the last two hangers of the scaffolding and the ladder on the cliff.
6/20/14 Here is a shot of the completely repaired roof with the scaffolding and ladder all removed.
6/20/14 Here is another shot of the repaired roof. It is hardly noticeable, is it?
7/10/14 After a 5-month delay fixing the damaged roof, the project of installing inside ceiling boards resumes. The scaffolding inside was reconfigured in order to reach the peak of the ceiling. Here you see the scaffolding in the loft.
7/10/14 Here you can see the top of the 3-tier scaffold tower in the living room.
7/10/14 And here you can see the working platform on top of the scaffolding which allows access to the ridgepole all the way across the cabin.
8/1/14 The ceiling boards are being fitted around the vent grill and the chimney.
8/1/14 The ceiling boards are installed between Grids C1 and D2
8/8/14 The ceiling fan motor is installed and hanging from its mounting bracket. Blades will be attached later when the scaffolding is out of the way.
8/8/14 A closer view of the ceiling fan motor.
8/15/14 Except for a small strip against the ridgepole, half of the inside ceilings are installed.
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