Log Home Pictures from 2021, Part 1 of 3
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1/5/21 The first of the interior door casings has been completed. I took Bill's advice and used natural materials for the casings on the exterior doors which interface with log walls so they match nicely. This is the front door.
1/12/21 The power went out early in the morning so I cooked my breakfast using the wood stove. Here you see me making a second slice of toast.
1/23/21 This is the view Ellen and I were rewarded with after snowshoeing from the Kahler Glen Sno-Park to Lake Wenatchee. We spent the night at Camp Serendipity when we got back.
2/5/21 Here is a shot of the completed door casing for the back door. The remaining casings, for the interior doors, will be made of more finished lumber. This rustic look was chosen for the exterior doors based on a recommendation from Bill. Good idea.
2/12/21 The trim molding around the hearth was removed when the stove had to be moved. It was not replaced right away because the flooring had to go under it. After that, it was not replaced because the priority was too low. Now, it has bubbled up in priority and this week I replaced the old trim and made two extensions to accommodate the hearth enlargement. Those extensions need to be varnished but I took a picture of them anyway. I'll varnish them when I varnish the next casing boards. This is a shot of the hearth from the back...
2/12/21 ... and this is a shot of the hearth from the front.
2/16/21 This is the lumber for the remaining door casings and baseboards. I carried it up from the truck in nine trips. Each trip meant climbing 56 stairsteps and going over a couple rather steep snow trails. That's a total of 504 steps. Not bad for an old man.
3/3/21 Here the 22 casing legs are drying after getting their first coat of varnish.
3/15/21 Venetian Blinds installed in the bedroom.
4/2/21 Closet doors and casings in the bedroom are complete.
4/5/21 Five of the last six casing headers installed.
4/7/21 The cove base is installed below the tub.
4/7/21 A fun whim project to use 1x4 remnants of the casing material was to try to make a wooden icosahedron. Here the parts are cut.
4/8/21 The baseboards are installed in the front entry room.
4/8/21 Here the crude icosahedron is glued together. The concept was good and I had fun in spite of the poor quality.
4/9/21 A couple of small baseboards.
4/14/21 My first attempt at making a baseboard bullnose corner. It came out pretty well for a first shot.
4/14/21 Here is a close-up of my first bullnose.
4/15/21 This is my second bullnose, which came out even better.
4/16/21 And this is my third bullnose after having worked out the kinks in making them. Five more to go.
4/21/21 Here's a newly installed bullnose showing the concrete blocks used to clamp it to the wall while the glue sets up.
4/26/21 A bullnose and baseboards in the bathroom.
4/28/21 The other two bullnoses in the bathroom.
Other years: 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
©2021-2024 Paul R. Martin, All rights reserved.